design build for community

    The idea is to make what feels heavy light. In line with how my cohort mates and I wish to help lighten the burden of the underprivileged in Thailand, we though of what we could do in furniture design to make seemingly “heavy” stones “light”—and perhaps allow stones to do the impossible.

    In the beginning, we started brainstorming “what stones cannot do” on its own—from flying, swimming, breathing, walking, running, and moving, to seeing, hearing, growing, speaking, bending, inflating, and of course being light. Then, we thought of materials that could achieve most of these tasks. One that came to mind was plastic, with its ability to bend, inflate, fold, change color, change shape and be seen through—all while being light. By visualizing “inflatable plastic” as a so-called metaphor for “stones”, we reinterpreted and reimagined the possibilities of creating furniture that mimics nature. Just like how stones are available in many shapes and colors, our furniture pieces would take on the patterns of different types of stone (such as prae, akanee, pakarang, and takon).

    Through collaboratively group workshops, we designed a number of unique furniture pieces and created a PR campaign, planning and producing our own promotional videos and still images uploaded on social media. Eventually, we donated the proceeds to charity.

    Reinterpreted develop, create, combine, communicate, captivate, inspire, and imagine what is the possibilities to create a furniture that resemble to a nature.

︎︎︎Teaser ︎︎︎